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ICA PG Assembly Journal club - 1 (26 Oct 2022) | ICA Webinar
Nitrous oxide in neuroanesthesia: Trusted and tried or Toxin? | ICA PG Debate #icaacademics
ICA PG Assembly - Opioids: Pharmacology, Current and Evolving Trends | ICA Webinar
Journal club: IV Lidocaine infusion for postoperative pain after hepatectomy
Perioperative Point-Of-Care Testing | ICA Webinar
Recent advances cardio thoracic and vascular anesthesia ICA Webinar 157
GASOC Anaesthesia Journal Club Jan 2023
OncoAnesthesia- Module 1 | ICA Webinar
Essentials of Research and Publications for Anesthesiologists | ICA Webinar
CHD patient for non-cardiac surgery- Dr Thomas Koshy, Kerala
Macy & Jade Journal Club: Ephedrine vs. NE in Treating Hypertensive Patients During Anesthesia
ICA PG Assembly: Critical care case presentations (Session#143)